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Liste 2011 des réseaux sociaux (networking sites )



Liste des réseaux sociaux
Article adapté le 29 janvier 2012. Les chiffres sont les derniers ! Certains sont de 2011 , ou parfois plus loin.

List of social networking websites
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
( utiliser le google translate pour Français )



Date launched Registered users Registration Global Alexa[1] Page ranking
43 Things Goal setting and achievement 1st January 2005 3,000,000[2] Open 13,332[3]
Academia.edu Social networking site for academics/researchers September 2008 211,000[4] Open 6,053[5]
Advogato Free and open source software developers 1999 13,575[6] Open 144,599[7]
aNobii Books 2006 Open 11,932[8]
AsianAvenue A social network for the Asian American community 1997 Open 75,854[9]
aSmallWorld European jet set and social elite world-wide March 2004 550,000[10] Invite-only 6,192[11]
Athlinks Running, Swimming 2001 139,458[12] Open 37,129[13]
Audimated.com Independent music 2010 Open 747,857[14]
Badoo General, Meet new people, Popular in Europe and Latin America 2006 133,000,000[15] Open to people 18 and older 117[16]
Bebo General July 2005 117,000,000[17] Open to people 13 and older 2,279[18]
BIGADDA Indian Social Networking Site August 2007 3,000,000[19] Open to people 16 and older 12,903[20]
Biip.no Norwegian community June 1, 2005 430,000[21] Requires Norwegian phone number 42,468[22]
BlackPlanet African-Americans September 1, 1999 20,000,000[23] Open 5,863[24]
Blauk Anyone who wants to tell something about a stranger or acquaintance. 2010 Open to people 13 and older. 463,796[25]
Blogster Blogging community November 24, 2005 85,579[26] Open 10,144[27]
Bolt.com General 1996 Open 111,069[28]
Busuu Language learning community May 16, 2008 4,000,000[29] Open 4,330[30]
Buzznet Music and pop-culture 2005 10,000,000[31] Open 1,227[32]
CafeMom Mothers December 2006 1,250,000[33] Open to moms and moms-to-be 1,492[34]
Cake Financial Investing September 17, 2007 Open 481,922[35]
Care2 Green living and social activism 1998 9,961,947[36] Open 1,883[37]
CaringBridge Not for profit providing free websites that connect family and friends during a serious health event, care and recovery.[38] 9,500,000[39] Open to people 18 and older[40] [41]
Cellufun Mobile social game network, Number 8 US mobile website[42] 2007 3,000,000[43] Open to people 14 and older 115,511[44]
Classmates.com School, college, work and the military 1995 50,000,000[45] Open to people 18 and older[46] 2,961[47]
Cloob General. Popular in Iran 2004 Open 914[48]
CouchSurfing Worldwide network for making connections between travelers and the local communities they visit. 2003 2,967,421[49] Open 1,821[50]
CozyCot East Asian and Southeast Asian women 2001 150,000[51] Open 3,711[50]
Cross.tv Faith Based social network for Christian believers from around the world 2008 450,000[52] Open 31,716[53]
Crunchyroll Anime and forums. 2006 Open 5,153[54]
Cyworld General. Popular in South Korea. 1999 24,000,000[55] Open 1,020[56]
DailyBooth Photo-blogging site where users upload a photo every day February 13, 2009 Open 5,014[57]
DailyStrength Medical & emotional support community - Physical health, Mental health, Support groups November 4, 2007 Open 22,054[58]
Decayenne European and American social elite 2001 Invite-only 1,263,943[59]
delicious Social bookmarking allowing users to locate and save websites that match their own interests September 2003 8,822,921[60] Open 272[61]
deviantART Art community August 7, 2000 9,040,962[62] Open 126[63]
Diaspora* Decentralized, privacy aware, general (open source) November, 2010 200,000+[64][65] Open 24,947[66][67]
Disaboom People with disabilities (Amputee, cerebral palsy, MS, and other disabilities) Open 275,698[68]
Dol2day Politic community, Social network, Internet radio (German-speaking countries) 40,200[69] Open 887,047[70]
DontStayIn Clubbing (primarily UK) Open 54,095[71]
Draugiem.lv General (primarily LV, LT, HU) 2,600,466[26] Invitation only 2,915[72]
douban Chinese Web 2.0 website providing user review and recommendation services for movies, books, and music. 2005 46,850,000[73] Open 119[74]
DXY.cn Chinese online community for physicians, health care professionals, pharmacies and facilities 2000[75] 2,000,000[76] Open 14,005[77]
Elftown Community and wiki around Fantasy and sci-fi. 185,000[78] Open, approval needed 43,277[79]
Elixio High-net-worth individuals, young business executives July 2007 40,000 [80] Invite-only 153,646[81]
Epernicus For research scientists Open 528,083[82]
Eons.com For baby boomers and mature internet users age 40 and beyond. Open to people age 40 years and older 34,240[83]
Experience Project Life experiences Open 3,452[84]
Exploroo Travel Social Networking. Open 209,868[85]
Facebook General. February 2004 800,000,000+[86] Open to people 13 and older 2[87]
Faceparty General. Popular UK. 200,000[88] Invitation only to people 18 and older 28,760[89]
Faces.com Adult Social Network, Mainly UK & USA 2011 700,000[90] Open to people 18 and older worldwide 159,693[91]
Fetlife People who are into BDSM 500,000[92] Open to people "of [legal] age to see adult content" 5,513[93]
FilmAffinity Movies and TV Series 2002 250,000[94] Open 3,916[95]
FledgeWing Entrepreneural community targeted towards worldwide university students Open to university students 1,793,990[96]
Flixster Movies 2007 63,000,000[97] Open to people 13 and older 1,018[98]
Flickr Photo sharing, commenting, photography related networking, worldwide February 2004 32,000,000[99] Open to people 13 and older (Yahoo! Login) 31[100]
Focus.com Business to Business, worldwide 2005 850,000[101] Open to people 13 and older 11,495[102]
43 Things Goal setting and achievement 1st January 2005 3,000,000[103] Open 13,332[104]
Fotki Photo sharing, video hosting, photo contests, journals, forums, flexible privacy protection, friend's feed, audio comments and unlimited custom design integration. October 1998 1,632,565 Open 5,367[105]
Fotolog Photoblogging. Popular in South America and Spain 20,000,000[106] Open 1,194[107]
Foursquare Location based mobile social network 10,000,000[108] Open 625[109]
Friends Reunited UK based. School, college, work, sport and streets 19,000,000[110] Open to people 13 and older 10,231[111]
Friendster General. Popular in Southeast Asia. No longer popular in the western world 2002 90,000,000[112] Open to people 16 and older. 979[113]
Frühstückstreff General July 2001 14,800[citation needed] Open 1,253,155[114]
Fubar dating, an "online bar" for 18 and older October 2007 1,200,000[115] Open to people 18+ 9,476[116]
Gaia Online Anime and games. Popular in USA, Canada and Europe. Moderately popular around Asia. 23,523,663[117] Open to people 13 and older 1,071[118]
GamerDNA Computer and video games September 21, 2006 310,000[119] Open 22,887[120]
Gather.com Article, picture, and video sharing, as well as group discussions 465,000[121] Open 3,974[122]
Gays.com Social network for LGBT community, Guide for LGBT bars, restaurants, clubs, shopping May 16, 2008 100,000[123] Open, Global 74,664[124]
Geni.com Families, genealogy January 16, 2007 15,000,000[125] Open 5,815[126]
GetGlue Social network for entertainment October 28, 2008 2,000,000[127] Open 4,124[128]
Gogoyoko Fair play in Music - Social networking site for musicians and music lovers Invite only while in beta 119,272[129]
Goodreads Library cataloging, book lovers December 2006 Open 2,543[130]
Goodwizz Social network with matchmaking and personality games to find new contacts. Global, based in France. October 2010 110,000[131][132] Open 214,214[133]
Google+ General June 28, 2011 100,000,000[134] General, Open NA (Alexa only records data for Second-level domains)
Google Buzz General February 9, 2010[135] Open NA (Alexa only records data for second-level domains)
GovLoop for people in and around government 91,852[136]
Grono.net Poland 2,000,000[citation needed] Open 2,958[137]
Habbo General for teens. Over 31 communities worldwide. Chat Room and user profiles. 200,000,000[138][139][140] Open to people 13 and older 6,545[141]
hi5 General. Popular in IndiaMongoliaThailandRomaniaJamaicaCentral AfricaPortugal and Latin America. Not very popular in the USA. 2003 80,000,000[142] Open to people 13 and older. 443[143]
Hospitality Club Hospitality 328,629[144] Open 38,258[145]
Hotlist Geo-Social Aggregator rooted in the concept of knowing where your friends are, were, and will be. 80,000[146] Open 28,241[147]
HR.com Social networking site for Human Resources professionals 1999 194,000[148] Open 60,048[149]
Hub Culture Global influencers focused on worth creation November 2002 20,000[150] Invite-only 515,308[151]
Hyves General, mostly popular in the Netherlands. September 2004 10,097,000[152] Open 658[153]
Ibibo Talent based social networking site that allows to promote one's self and also discover new talent. Most popular in India. 3,500,000[154] Open 695[155]
Identi.ca Twitter-like service popular with hackers and software freedom advocates. 395,695[citation needed] Open 3,822[156]
Indaba Music Online collaboration for musicians, remix contests, and networking. 350,000[157] Open, Global 55,062[158]
IRC-Galleria Finland 505,000[159] Open to Finnish speaking people 12 and older 3,302[160]
italki.com Language learning social network. 100+ languages. 500,000[161] Open, Global 29,939[162]
Itsmy Mobile community worldwide, blogging, friends, personal TV-shows 2,500,000[163] 206,437[164]
iWiW Hungary April 14, 2002 4,000,000[165] Invite-only 532[166]
Jaiku General. Microblogging. Owned by Google February 2006 Open to people 13 and older 15,661[167]
Kaixin001 General. In Simplified Chinese; caters for mainland China users Open to the General Public 183[168]
Kiwibox General. 1999 2,400,000[169] Open to people 13 and older 104,563[170]
Lafango Talent-Focused media sharing site Open, Global 151,301[171]
LaiBhaari Marathi social networking 2010 250,000 Open 19,503[172]
Last.fm Music 2002 30,000,000[173] Open 552[174]
LibraryThing Book lovers August 29, 2005 1,300,000[175] Open to people 13 and older 8,243[176]
Lifeknot Shared interests, hobbies Open to people 18 and older 602,117[177]
LinkedIn Business and professional networking May 2003 120,000,000[178] Open to people 18 and older 13[179]
LinkExpats Social networking website for expatriates. 100+ countries. Open, Global 1,668,484[180]
Listography Lists. Autobiography Open 197,009[181]
LiveJournal Blogging. Popular in Russia and among the Russian-speaking diaspora abroad. April 15, 1999 17,564,977[182] Open (OpenID) 76[183]
Livemocha Online language learning 5,000,000[184] Open 4,079[185]
LunarStorm Sweden 1,200,000[186] Open 65,874[187]
Makeoutclub General August 9, 1999 Open 723,381[188]
MEETin General Open 173,717[189]
Meetup.com General. Used to plan offline meetings for people interested in various activities Open to people 18 and older 739[190]
Meettheboss Business and Finance community, worldwide. Open 107,180[191]
Mixi Japan October 25, 2000 24,323,160[192] Invite-only 140[193]
mobikade mobile community, UK only Open to people 18 and older 1,851,728[194]
MocoSpace mobile community, worldwide 3,000,000[195] Open to people 14 and older 3,685[196]
MOG Music Open to people 14 and older 4,221[197]
MouthShut.com Social Network, social media, consumer reviews Open 2,545[198]
Mubi (website) Auteur cinema 200,000 Open 25,648[199]
Multiply "Real world" relationships. Popular in primarily in Asia. 10,000,000[200] Open to people 13 and older. 382[201]
Muxlim Muslim portal site 2006 50,000[202] Open to people 13 and older 59,099[203]
MyAnimeList Anime themed social community 160,000[204] Open to people 13 and older 6,096[205]
MyHeritage family-oriented social network service 30,000,000 [206] Open 2,953[207]
MyLife Locating friends and family, keeping in touch (formerly Reunion.com) 51,000,000[208] Open 1,481[209]
My Opera Blogging, mobile blogging, photo sharing, connecting with friends, Opera Link and Opera Unite. Global 7,300,000[210] Open NA (Alexa only records data for second-level domains)
Myspace General August 2003 100,000,000+[211][212] Open to ages 13 and older. 131[213]
myYearbook General, Charity 20,000,000[214] Open to age 13 and up & Grades 9 and up 851[215]
Nasza-klasa.pl School, college and friends. Popular in Poland 11,000,000[216] Open 40,961[217]
Netlog General. Popular in Europe, Turkey, the Arab World and Canada's Québec province. Formerly known as Facebox and Redbox.[218] 70,000,000[219] Open to people 13 and older 296[220]
Nettby Norwegian Community September 14, 2006 Open 2,719[221]
Nexopia Canada 1,400,000[222] Open to people 13 and older [223] 24,071[224]
NGO Post Non-Profit news sharing and networking, mainly in India 15,000[225] Open 70,134[226]
Ning Users create their own social websites and social networks Open to people 13 and older 273[227]
Odnoklassniki Connect with old classmates. Popular in Russia and former Soviet republics 45,000,000[228] Open 104[229]
OneClimate Not for Profit Social networking and Climate Change Open to People of all ages and locations 307,773[230]
OneWorldTV Not for Profit Video sharing and social networking aimed at people interested in social issues, development, environment, etc. Open 27,434,227[231]
Open Diary First online blogging community, founded in 1998 1998 5,000,000[232] Open to people 13 and older 39,290[233]
Orkut General. Owned by Google Inc. Popular in India and Brazil.[234] January 22, 2004 100,000,000[235] Open to people 18 and older, (Google login) 106[236]
OUTeverywhere Gay/LGBTQ Community Open 329,887[237]
Passportstamp Travel Open 366,598[238]
PatientsLikeMe Online community for patients with life-changing illnesses to find other patients like them, share their data with others, and learn more about their condition to improve their outcome. 2006 109,587[239] Open to people 13 years and up 57,962[240]
Partyflock Dutch virtual community for people interested in house music and other electronic dance music November 10, 2001 321,125 Open to people 18 years and up 7,226[241]
Pingsta Collaborative platform for the world's Internetwork Experts Invite-only, only Internet Experts 1,668,955[242]
Plaxo Aggregator 15,000,000[243] Open 1,533[244]
Playahead Swedish, Danish teenagers Closed 63,081[245]
PureVolume Connecting indie music bands and listeners, through music sharing and social networking 2003 Open 20,822[246]
Playfire Computer and video games Open to people 13 and older 62,555[247]
Playlist.com General, Music Open to people over 13 4,340[248]
Plurk Micro-blogging, RSS, updates. Very popular in Taiwan Open 1,072[249]
Present.ly Enterprise social networking and micro-blogging Open 4,893,711[250]
Qapacity A a business-oriented social networking site and a business directory Open to people 16 and older 96,847[251]
Quechup General, friendship, dating 2007 Open to those over 16 150,757[252]
Qzone General. In Simplified Chinese; caters for mainland China users 480,000,000[253][254] Open to the general public NA (Alexa only records data for second-level domains)
Raptr Video games Open 25,664[255]
Ravelry Knitting and crochet 1,814,460[256] Open 3,387[257]
Renren Significant site in China. Was known as 校内 (Xiaonei) until August 2009. 160,000,000[258] Open 83[259]
ResearchGate Social network for scientific researchers 1,000,000[260] Open 23,095[261]
ReverbNation.com Social network for musician and bands 500,000[262] Open to people 16 and older 4,422[263]
Ryze Business 500,000[264] Open 19,839[265]
ScienceStage Science-oriented multimedia platform and network for scientists Open 26,804[266]
Scispace.net Collaborative network site for scientists By invitation, but can request an invitation 1,231,795[267]
ShareTheMusic Music Community. Sharing and listening to music for free and legally Open 471,712[268]
Shelfari Books October 11, 2006 Open 19,681[269]
Skyrock Social Network in French-speaking world 22,000,000[270] Open 437[271]
Social_Life_(website) Brazilian jet set and social elite world-wide 2008 550,000[272] Invite-only 154,533[273]
SocialVibe Social Network for Charity 435,000[citation needed] Open 41,927[274]
Sonico.com General. Popular in Latin America and Spanish and Portuguese speaking regions. 17,000,000[275][276] Open to people 13 and older 507[277]
SoundCloud Repository of original music pieces and networking. 1,000,000[278] Open 374[279]
Stickam Live video streaming and chat. 2,000,000[280] Open 2,742[281]
StudiVZ University students, mostly in the German-speaking countries. School students and those out of education sign up via its partner sites schülerVZ and meinVZ. 17,000,000[282] Open 1,318[283]
Students Circle Network A Social Network connecting students, teachers and institutions to course resources, study groups and learning spaces. December 2010 Open 605,000[284]
StumbleUpon Stumble through websites that match your selected interests 10,600,000[285] Open 108[286]
Tagged General. 100,000,000[287] Open 281[288]
TalentTrove Online Talent Network Open 21,177[289]
Talkbiznow Business networking Open 283,770[290]
Taltopia Online artistic community Open 52,759[291]
Taringa! General 11,000,000[292] Open to people 13 and older 137[293]
TeachStreet Education / Learning / Teaching - More than 400 subjects Open 61,492[294]
TermWiki Learning / Languages / Translation - 1.2m terms in more than 1300 subjects May 2010 Open 16,182[295]
The Sphere (social network) A Private Online Social Luxury Network with Exclusive Personalized Services December 2008 1,300[296] Invite-only 4,105,385[297]
TravBuddy.com Travel 2005 1,588,000[298] Open to people 18 and older 11,789[299]
Travellerspoint Travel 2002 310,000[300] Open 11,486[301]
tribe.net General Open 5,706[302]
Trombi.com French subsidiary of Classmates.com 4,400,000[303] 7,283[304]
Tuenti Spanish-based university and High School social network. Very Popular in Spain 12,000,000[305] Invite-only 730[306]
Tumblr General. Micro-blogging, RSS 2007 Open 46[307]
Twitter General. Micro-blogging, RSS, updates July 15, 2006 300,000,000[308] Open 9[309]
Vkontakte Social Network for Russian-speaking world including former Soviet republics. September 2006 110,578,500[310] Open 44[311]
Vampirefreaks.com Gothic and industrial subculture 1999 1,931,049[312] Open to users 13 and over 7,577[313]
Viadeo Global Social Networking and Campus Networking available in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese 35,000,000[314] Open 710[315]
Virb Social network that focuses heavily on artists, including musicians and photographers 2007 Open 22,474[316]
Vox Blogging Open 1,319[317]
Wakoopa For computer fans that want to discover new software and games 100,000[citation needed] Open 9,420[318]
Wattpad For readers and authors to interact & e-book sharing Open 11,008[319]
Wasabi General. UK-based. Open 95,188[320]
WAYN Travel and lifestyle May 2003 10,000,000[321] Open to people 18 and older 2,974[322]
WebBiographies Genealogy and biography Open 734,214[323]
WeeWorld Teenagers - 10 to 17 30,000,000[324] Open to ages 13 and older. 8,729[325]
Wellwer Community without borders, where sharing is everything. September 2011 Open to people 13 years and older 716,594[326]
WeOurFamily General with emphasis on privacy and security Open, subscription-based 685,337[327]
Wer-kennt-wen General General 441[328]
weRead Books June 2007 4,000,000[citation needed] Open 80,233[329]
Windows Live Spaces Blogging (formerly MSN Spaces) 120,000,000[330] Open NA (Alexa only records data for second-level domains)
WiserEarth Online community space for the social justice and environmental movement[331] 45,000[332] Open to people 16 and older 77,143[333]
Wooxie Blogging and micro-blogging Open 169,489[334]
WriteAPrisoner.com Site networking inmates, friends, family September 2000 66,000[335] Open to people 18 years and older 252,188[336]
Xanga Blogs and "metro" areas Unknown 27,000,000[337] Open 768[338]
XING Business (primarily Europe (Germany, Austria, Switzerland)) 11,100,000[339] Open 260[340]
Xt3 Catholic social networking, created after World Youth Day 2008 Open 136,804[341]
Yammer Social networking for office colleagues Must have company email 3,769[342]
Yelp, Inc. Local Business Review and Talk Open 182[343]
Zoo.gr Greek Web Meeting point 2004 890,000[344] Open 8,057[345]
Zooppa Online Community for Creative Talent (host of brand sponsored advertising contests) 60,000[346] Open to people 14 and older[347] 88,555[348]


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